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Masters Of The Air

I have always been interested in aircraft and aviation, gone to many airshows, and as I get older I have become more interested in vintage/warbird aircraft. I have learnt a lot about WW2 and particularly the bravery of both US and UK bomber crews heading out to Germany night and day to face flak, fighters and an uncertain possibly very short future. I have been watching Masters Of The Air, up to episode 5 I think now. Some slightly dubious CGI for the aerial shots, but the dangers and fear of the crews comes across well compared to the books I have read on the subject. In tribute to that I went back over photos I have taken at airshows, particularly from Duxford and the (sadly seemingly now defunct) Flying Legends Airshow. This shot is not of the Duxford based B-17 'Sally B', but of a visiting B-17 'Pink Lady' from France, with re-enactors kindly posing in front to create a timeless scene. I have no doubt the uniforms are probably not correct for the aircrew, but the image is perfect. I have printed it using the Gum Bichromate process, using one negative and four layers of pigment. I am sure I could produce a few variations using different tones, and possibly will do soon.

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